Oxygen in the presence of sunlight
This is an opinion questions, so there really isn't a right or wrong answer. You could just as easily choose Eel. Your task is to pick one and defend your reasoning.
I chose starfish because starfish have a long history of demonstrated adaptability to a wide variety of conditions. Their armored skin protects them from a variety of predators, as does the poison that many of them contain. They have the ability to regrow limbs, and even regrow entire starfish from certain body parts. When it comes time to breed, starfish meet together in groups. Each female releases a few million eggs from the gonads in each of her arms. Each male then releases billions of sperm from each gonad in each of his arms, thus covering the eggs with sperm to fertilize them.
Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
The correct answer is C. In the plaque assay for bacteriophages, the plaque is a clear zone caused by a zone of lysis.
The plaque assay is an approach used for titering bacteriophage stocks or determining the quantity of infectious virus in a sample. Plaques are visualized if you spot the phage on a lawn of growing compatible bacteria. Each plaque indicates an initial infection with one phage followed by lysis of neighboring bacteria in the lawn. Only viruses that cause visible damage of cells can be assayed in this way. The plaque assay is used to determine viral titer as plaque-forming units per ml so that known amounts of virus can be used to infect cells during subsequent work.
In the plaque assay for bacteriophages, the plaque is a clear zone caused by a zone of lysis.