Many people assume that college is the only way to become a successful individual, it very much depends. College is great if you want to become a nurse, engineer, scientist, etc, but if you are just trying to make lots of money college is not a good option for it will just be a waste of time and money. There are many pros and cons of going to college depending on the major. If you are going to be a nurse you aren't going to just interact with patients immediately, you won't know what you're doing. On the other hand if you are trying to become an entrepreneur you wont necessarily need to get a PHD to do that you just need to be creative and know basic skills like using a computer, creating websites, and making a social media accounts for promotion of the product. Going to college as soon as possible is a better option because you can finish your courses while you are still young, again it depends in some situations saving up money before going to college is smart to prevent student debt but finishing faster is better.
(You can copy that exact thing)
Ell, it is a true story. Teamwork, adapting to the environment, courage. The ability to overcome great obstacles while 200,000 miles from Earth.
A. because sometimes (like on this case) you can tell which is correct. just say it out loudm would you say neither of them was___''
Please remove. No context
My parents aren't the best, I've always had a rocky relationship with them and I don't see if changing anytime soon.