Dog because it does not just sit and does nothing.
and it can play and does fun stuff. and its adorable while cats are lazy and weird and just all out useless.
What are the answer choices?
And what exactly are you wanting??
<span>The flawed logic in this statement exemplifies A) post hoc. Post hoc is a result of something that occurs after a particular event, that also contains flawed assumption that this result has a logical relationship with the represented event. As you can see, this sentence is build following the principle cause and effect, but if you pay attention to the contents you will see that it makes no sense.</span>
Definition of preclude: to make impossible by necessary consequence : rule out in advance.
Preclude is often used in legal writing, where it usually refers to making something legally impossible. A new law may be passed by Congress to preclude any suits of a certain kind against a federal agency, for example. Some judges have found that the warnings on cigarette packs preclude any suits against the tobacco companies by lung-cancer sufferers. But there are plenty of nonlegal uses as well. Bad weather often precludes trips to the beach, and a lack of cash might preclude any beach vacation at all.