Multiply 325326×(325325/2)=52,918,503,138 How it works:
know that 325325+1 is 325326, then 325324+2 is the same number, therefore you will get this number as many times as half of biggest number since you sum every last biggest number-1 with every last smallest number+1. so just multiply and you will get
Bff i answered this earlier. It’s step 2!!! Because if you’re flipping the numerator and denominator, the sign of the exponent should be flipped as well. So the exponent will turn into -5x
Sorry if my previous answer was vague. #brainliest!!!
The answer is C (3rd answer choice) O {-8,8}.
Step-by-step explanation:
4+5=9 divided by 3 is 3 times 4 is 12. so it's 12
hope this helps;)