loved this book so much! I read this in about 2 and a half weeks This book is really exciting and I could read this multiple times. I love the character development and the different perspectives . To be honest it one of my favorite book rn . I may also suggest u DAVINCI CODE by DAN BROWN .
<em>hey </em><em>ya</em><em> mate</em><em> </em><em>!</em><em>!</em><em> </em>
<em>hope</em><em> it</em><em> helps</em><em> </em><em>!</em><em>!</em>
A. Knowing that the attack might reach us in all too short a time, we
immediately began greatly to increase our industrial strength and
our capacity to meet the demands of modern warfare.
The attack is coming quickly so the logical thing to do is to prepare. The other examples are motivational or pathological statements while the first one (A) uses a clear and methodical string of thought to find a solution for the coming attack.
(If a picture type thing helps you: attack coming soon---what do we do?---begin to prepare for the attack immediately.)
Stepsister their mother , the fairy godmother and the prince
Note: The word solitude is the end of that quote, this means that the dash is not necessary. I will help to explain the message the quote is passing across.
Check below for the explanation.
This quote was given by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The quote means that relationship with others will be easier if one agrees completely to the opinion of the world, at the same time, if one maintains his opinions not minding the opinions of the world, then one can easily hold on to one's beliefs.
Ralph Emerson now gives credit to a man who despite being in solitude can still maintain his opinions as he would do if he was in solitude. He acknowledges how difficult this can be and gives respect to the man with this special ability.