You multiply the numerators (top numbers) and separately multiply the (bottom numbers) denominators.
numerator (top number): 2 * 1 = 2
denominator (bottom number): 3 * 4 = 12
Now, we have 2/12 which can be simplified to 1/6.
You would have to add a positive 6 to the negative 6 to get zero. Lets say you have -2 in order to get it to zero or just any positive number, you have to add a positive of the same value or higher to be able to get it there. I hope you understand that.
Step-by-step explanation:
first get the area of the circle which will be 490.625 then subtract the rectangle to get the round area with grass-290.625
then in that square there is a triangle covered with grass so get the area of the triangle-22.75 then add the area of the triangle to the rounded part with grass