Genome indexing is a strategy to find a pattern (i.e., a short sequence read) in a long text (i.e., the genome)
Genome indexing is a similar strategy used when a book is indexed. This strategy is used to find more rapidly a given sequence by allowing to align the problem sequence and thus approximate to the putative origin of the query sequence within the genome. Genome indexing enables to design PCR primers/probes, map probes at genome level, understand data obtained from gene expression analyses, etc.
Acorns of bur, pin and red oaks can be planted in fall or stratified seed can be sown in spring. When planting acorns, place the seeds one-half to one inch deep. Choose a planting site where the oak seedlings can receive good care for one to two years before they are transplanted to their permanent locations.
I need to see the factors in order to find the independent and as well dependent variables...
The answer is transcription and translation
relating to genes or heredity or relating to origin, or arising from a common origin.