I would put, A substance has two different parts of it, a pure substance and a compound and mixtures have two as well called, homogenous mixtures and hetrogeneous mixtures.
Answer: A plot of the natural log of the concentration of the reactant as a function of time is linear.
Since it was explicitly stated in the question that the half life is independent of the initial concentration of the reactant then the third option must necessarily be false. Also, the plot of the natural logarithm of the concentration of reactant against time for a first order reaction is linear. In a first order reaction, the half life is independent of the initial concentration of the reactant. Hence the answer.
A and B
This is because there was emission of gamma (Y) radiations in both the reactions.
Similar: both processes of cell division; both processes take place in the nucleus of the cell
Different: mitosis divides into 2, meiosis divides into 4; one is the division of body cells and the other is of specifically sex cells
^ this has more info!