Answer:a MONOCOT
Explanation: Monocots are plants with one cotyledons in their seeds.monocots are flowery plant ,which makes them angiosperms.
Dicots are also angiosperms but they contain two cotyledons in their seeds.
Monocots have parallel venation-the vascular bundles runs down the leaf singly and do not branch.
These leaves of Monocots are alternately arranged on the stem.
The petals of Monocots flowers are arranged in groups of three's.
The pollen grain of Monocots are pollen grains of monocots are monosulcate.the pollen grains have a single slit, which opens to allow the the growth of the pollen tube during fertilization .
The War I think
What led to the European disease was the cause of the war that made many Americans come and then it called the disease
A female urinates with their vulva and a male urinates with his penis
Transmitted, vertical
A transparent specimen is viewed through a microscope using transmitted light while an opaque object requires vertical illumination.
Transmitted light is the light that passes through an object. Transmitted light microscopy is any kind of microscopy in which the light is transmitted from a source located directly across the specimen from the objective. The light is commonly passed through a condenser in order to focus it on the specimen to obtain very high illumination. After the light passes through the specimen, the image of the specimen moves through the objective lens and later to the oculars where the enlarged image is viewed.