True, Compared to the other main forecasting techniques, market-based forecasting of exchange rates has proven to be more reliable and consistent.
What is Market-based forecasting?
By utilising a wide range of data that describe the nature of demand within the organization's service area, market-based demand forecasting is a technique for estimating future demand for a healthcare organization's services. The primary and secondary service areas, population breakdowns by various demographic categories, discharge utilisation rates, market size, and market share by service line and overall are just a few examples of the information we're talking about. Strategic planners can develop scenarios describing potential future demand based on observable market dynamics and a variety of explicit assumptions about future trends. Then, financial planners can assess every scenario to see how it might affect particular financial and operational metrics, like operating margin, days with cash on hand, as well as debt-service coverage, and create a strategic financial plan that accounts for a variety of contingencies.
To learn more about Market-based forecasting
Seasons cycle, and therefore the menu with it
Subway's points of difference (POD) when it is compared to McDonald's is health (or healthy food). When Subway is compared to other health food restaurants it's POD is taste. Subway focuses on selling healthy food that tastes well.
POD is what makes your business different form other similar businesses. A restaurant market is a monopolistic competition, where every supplier offers a different product than its competitors, and only those that excel at differentiating themselves in a good way will grow and expand.
If a Note is issues below the face value, it is issued on discount. This discount is recorded and amortized on Note's period to maturity. This amortized Discount will be added to the the coupon payment to calculate the interest expense for the year.
Discount on Note = $360,000 - $340,497 = $19,503
Amortized Discount = $19,503 / 3 = $6,501
Interest Expense = Coupon Payment + Amortized Discount = ($360,000 x 4%) + $6,501 = $20,901 per year = $1,045.05 per six month