It is true
The aerobic exercises produce an acceleration in metabolic process. To obtain the necessary energy to do them, the body start to use the carbohydrates. After transforming these carbohydrates into energy, if the body is still in movement, to continue producing energy, the body will continue with the lipids present in the body. In this way, doing aerobic exercises, the carbohydrates and lipids that was used, reduces the volume (and mass) of tissues, in general, from all the body.
Digestion is the process of breakdown of the large food particles into the small substances and absorbed by the body. The digestive enzymes and digestive juices are required for the digestion.
The Marisol digestive system is not working although she swallow her food. This may affect her exercise as the cells are not able to get work. The food particles are not broken down and absorbed by the cells, This causes the energy deficiency in her cells and she is not able to do normal physical work properly.