⭐️ A number of forces can cause gene mutations, such as smoking, radiation, viruses, cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens), obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation and a lack of exercise.⭐️
Iraq will have to massively reduce the birth rate to achieve a zero growth rate. In the middle east, there is more sexual freedom which may cause sexual education to be useless. Iraqi government would most likely have to give widespread contraception to its citizens.They would either have to lower birth rates or increase death rates. It would be more practical for the Iraqi government to provide contraception's and sexual education among its citizens to decrease birth rates.
Fungi kingdom characteristicsThe kingdom Fungi includes a vast variety of organisms such as mushrooms, yeast and mold, made up of feathery filaments called hyphae (collectively called mycelium). Fungi are multicellular and eukaryotic.