When two fractions have the same denominator, you can compare which fraction is greater by just comparing the numerators.
For example, if you have 2/5 and 3/5, the denominators are the same. So you can just look at the numerators. 3 is greater than 5, so 3/5 is greater than 2/5.
The reasoning to this is that the two numbers are divided by the same number (5), so you can compare the original numbers (numerators).
So you are asking how many x's can be written in the form 2*3*number=x
where number is not even
there are 50 odd numbers thereforr there are 50 numbers that satisfy your need
Step-by-step explanation:sorry idk
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x be the original price.
( 1 - 20% ) x = 23.2
No, if you are subtracting a bigger than the one it is being taken from then the answer will be negative. Ex:5-10=-5
Hope this helps:)