Repeating decimal representation will be 3/13, 7/24. Terminating decimal representation will be 3/16, 4/125.
<h3>What is decimal?</h3>
The accepted method for representing both integer and non-integer numbers is the decimal numeral system. It is the expansion of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system to non-integer values. Decimal notation is the term used to describe the method of representing numbers in the decimal system. The base-10 number system, arguably the most widely used number system, is referred to as decimal. The decimal number system consists of ten single-digit numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The number following nine is 10.
Repeating decimal representation,
=3/13, 7/24
Terminating decimal representation,
=3/16, 4/125
3/13 and 7/24 will be repeated in decimal form. The final two decimal places are 3/16 and 4/125.
To know more about decimal,