Answer:slope of line is 5/7
Explanation:The slope of the line can be calculated using the following rule:
slope =
The given points are:
(-9,-10) which represent (x1,y1)
(-2,-5) which represent (x2,y2)
Substitute with the points in the above equation to get the slope as follows:
slope =
= 5/7
Hope this helps :)
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So you would just have to divide 20/7 to get the percentage of it.
The answer would be 2.85%.
Answer:x = 12,5
using thales's theorem, we have:
Step-by-step explanation:
It is asking you for the equivalent percentage or fraction. So, where it says 1/2, it wants the percentage, which is 50%. Where it says .25, it wants the fraction, which is 1/4....