We can notice that 731.8 is the Greatest among all numbers because 731 is always greater than 730
Now consider the remaining numbers : 730.38 , 730.1 , 730.63
★ 730.1 can be written as 731.10
As the Number part of remaining numbers is same (730), we need to consider the decimal parts of the numbers in order tell which number is greatest among them
★ Decimal part of 730.38 is 38
★ Decimal part of 730.10 is 10
★ Decimal part of 730.63 is 63
As 63 > 38 > 10 :
We can say that : 730.63 > 730.38 > 730.10
So, Arrangement of given numbers from greatest to least is :
★ 731.8 > 730.63 > 730.38 > 730.10