The LCD (least common denominator) is the lowest number that both denominators (12 and 5) go into. The lowest number that both 5 and 12 go into is 60. The LCD of the two fractions is 60.
Someone calculated his or her average speed to 7.46 Miles per hour (mph) This calculation will help you calculate your average speed when you have covered a certain distance over a certain time.
Step-by-step explanation:
The re
sults your produce from the speed calculator input will come out in a variety of forms You can also find a report on your speed in terms of kilometres per hour, meters per minute and metres per second. There is also a report on the time it takes you to travel certain distances. This report shows you min:sec per kilometre, seconds per 100 .
b = 110°
Step-by-step explanation:
The sum of angles in a trapezoid is 360°
Summing the angles we get:
Then subtracting this value from 360° we get:
Final answer of 110°
The answer is (7,6)
This is because a midpoint is in the exact middle, meaning that both sides are an equal distance away. You can find this by fining the difference between the two corresponding coordinates then adding that difference to the midpoint and that will give you your other endpoint.
Hope this helped !!
...........Hope this helps :)