I am certain 2 of out 3 of these are part of it
I forgot if alveoli is part of it.
Answer: A surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove excess fluid is known as abdominocentesis
Explanation: Abdominocentesis is a surgical procedure carried out by a train health personnel. It involves puncturing of the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen to access fluid which is drained and used for further diagnosis. Usually the fluid is drained by gravity, a syringe or by connection to a vacuum bottle. The procedure is carried out to:
- relieve abdominal pressure from ascites.
-to diagnose bacterial peritonitis.
-to diagnose blood in peritoneal space in trauma cases.
Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder that can involve breaks with reality. The mental illness, which affects 2.4 million adults in the U.S., disrupts people's thought processes and ability to function day to day. Untreated, schizophrenia impairs people's ability to manage their emotions and coexist with others.
1. bulbospongiosus
2. transverse perineal muscle
3. ischiocavernosus
4. Gluteus maximus
5. levator ani
The layer of muscles present at bottom of the pelvis and support the pelvic organs are known as the pelvic floor muscles.
There are five pelvic floor muscles that are common in both the males and the females. The names of these muscles are-
1. bulbospongiosus
2. transverse perineal muscle
3. ischiocavernosus
4. Gluteus maximus
5. levator ani