C. 502
All you need to do is multiply the number if sales by the percentage in decimal form. Using DPR I know that 11% is equal to 0.11, so 4,560(0.11) is 501.60. That can be rounded to 502 sales that were shirts.
1.5-6-12n. 1-12n
2.-4+40x-35. -39+40x
3.-36x+6+6. 12-36x
4.40n-32+8n. 48n-32
5.7n-28-6. 34-7n
6.-16+20x+3x 23x-16
7. -2n-16+8. -2n-8
8.25b-25-1. 25b-26
9.-4n+15-6n. -10n+15
-1-3x+6. -3x+5
The answer should be 420.
Step-by-step explanation: