The LCD of the denominator is 12. For this one it is possible to just 'see' that 6 is a divisor of 12. When in doubt, you can always get an answer by just multiplying the denominators. (ie., you can turn 11/12 into 66/72 and 1/6 into 12/72).
In this case, the easiest is to convert 1/6 into 2/12. (multiply both numbers by 2).
Then it becomes:
This is basically just saying you'll go outside Tuesday because it's sunny. Sunny weather is nice weather.
A- control group
Since group A is tested under normal condition, it is the control group. Control group is separated from other groups so that the independent variable being tested cannot influence the result.
The answer is 1090 pounds because 1300, the max weight, minus 210, the baggage, is 1090. Hope this helps!