George’s company is reacting to the <u>Market economic system.</u>
- In a <u> Market Economy system </u>the organizations are run by the people.People determine how the economy runs,how supply are generated and how demands are met.
- <u>The Market Economy System </u> relies/depends upon the consumption choices of the customer.
- Supply and demand of the product has a great impact on this economy
Lean operations including manufacturing and production are a system to minimize waste. This system works proactively and tries to limit the amount of productivity being wasted to manufacture items. Less transactions are needed in this system being they are efficient throughout the organization.
This kind of agreement is called EXCLUSIVE AGENCY.
Exclusive agency is a contractual agreement under which the listing broker acts as an agent and the owner agree to pay a commission to him if the property is sold through the effort of any person with the exception of the owner of the property.
Millions of software programs have been created and have helped to improve the economy. This is an
example of___new technology___.
B) There has been economic growth in our society.
The American economy has consistently been the largest economy in the world since 1871, while the rest of the economic podium has changed a lot. Currently the Chinese economy is number 2, but just a few years ago the Japanese economy was on second place. The United Kingdom is currently a large economy, but it was number 1 before the US, and then it continued to fall to the sixth place. Argentina was once of the largest economies and richest economies in the world, and now it is a developing nation.
The only constant position (at least until China surpasses the US) during the last 150 years has been the US at number 1.
That doesn't mean that the US economy grew every year and there were no recessions. The largest global recession originated in the US in 1929, the Great Depression. And just a few years back, in 2008 the Great Recession hit the US. The US has suffered from several minor recessions as well.