The answer are C and D.
Whenever we <em>noticed a mistake</em> in an article published, but we are <em>not</em> completely <em>sure</em> what exactly is, we <em>should research</em> about the subject, in this case, by reading various <em>historical accounts</em>. After making sure we know what facts were left out, the <em>next step is to inform the edito</em>r of the publicaton about the case.
The tone of the story “Talk” by Harold Courlander and George Herzog is C. humorous. This story has a truly funny and engaging plot about a farmer who suddenly founds out that everything around him can speak. He was frightened and ran away. This story prepared a circle of hilarious dialogues as every stranger that the main character came across found out the same thing so they all run together from this nightmare.<span>
Approximately 6 million people.