Complementary angles always equal 90°
So here is how to find what mCYD + mFZE equal
mCYD + mFZE + mAXB
mCYD + mFZE + 36° = 90°
mCYD + mFZE = 54°
Is there more to the problem?
When it comes to deductive reasoning, it is used to reach a logical solution. You start out with the general statement, or hypothesis, and examine all the possibilities so you can reach the final conclusion.
Inductive reasoning is completely opposite - you focus on specific observations, and then make broad generalizations.
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Ones place: 456.3000
tenths place: 456.3000
hundredths place: 456.2990
thousandths place: 456.2991
there is no solution to the problem but after calculating and searching a possible answer is
x = -6
y = 0
Step-by-step explanation: